
Heroic Services

Our Green Glove Heroes bring white-glove level service to trash management.  Whatever your trash, recycling, or contamination issues might  be, we’ve got you covered.  Our TOTAL TRASH™ solution ensures all of your needs are met.  While our DEFCON ONE™ ensures your property is cleaned, disinfected, and regularly protected from odor and pathogens creating the absolute best community you can.  

We are your proactive team. 

Our superpower is to ensure any issues become invisible. We are always looking towards the future to ensure you have the most appropriate solutions because everything from regulations to technology is constantly changing and evolving.

You can rest assured that you will be seen as the hero of the community, protecting your tenants, and the ROI of the property as the value and safety increase.  

Green Glove Difference

Unlike the competition, our focus and passion are to ensure your trash, recycling, or decontamination needs are optimized the first time correctly. However, we also understand that they fluctuate, change, and vary over time. That is why we offer comprehensive services along with the best customer service and support.

Whether you want us to be your TOTAL TRASH partner, or if you just need a few a la cart services here and there, we have you covered.

Click on the buttons below to learn about our flagship offerings, or scroll down to learn about separate service offerings.

The following are some areas of service we offer outside of our flagship offerings:

Bulk Hauling

From furniture to e-waste to whatever your property needs, we can ensure your trash and recycling are taken care of in compliance with local regulations and to ensure it is performed quickly, smoothly, so that your property can return to normal ASAP.

Concierge Services

Not just white-glove but our unique “green-glove” concierge offerings to our elite clientele. We all want that partner in our corner that has our backs. Let our team of Green Glove heroes take care of any or all of your needs, just ask us. Some examples include:

  • Hauler advocate services
  • Special Bulk Needs
  • Commercial Needs
  • Anything Else Just Ask

Trash Area Cleaning & Optimization

The optimization and regular cleaning of your trash areas transform properties from dirty and costly into a beautiful, safe, odor-free experience that people will want to call home.

Your investment with Green Glove Heroes results in massive ROI for both you and your properties. You will be cutting down turnover, optimizing curb appeal, and avoiding fines and violations from regulatory agencies.

Waste Solutions & Sustainability Audits

Not only are your business and needs unique, your requirements from services to compliance change all the time.

We have found time and time again that we can come in and save you time, headaches and mitigate risks of loss and liability through our simple process.

Our Process is simple

  • We review contracts and services, looking for inefficiencies or errors. 
  • We then analyze your service levels, equipment to ensure they properly align with your needs.
  • We then recommend, and upon approval, implement cost-saving & optimizing solutions.

You will be surprised at not only the savings, but also the improvements and efficiencies throughout your waste and recycling systems.

Your Green-Glove Trash,
Recycling & Decontamination Experts.

Serving: Northern California & Nevada &
the Pacific Northwest